I was thinking on the way home tonight (we’re back in Sydney – tonight was actually Bible Study) that “the householder” would be a great action hero kind of name – like the transporter, but, somehow different.
Did I mention not being terribly coherent on the way home?
Anyway, this house belongs to our hosts last friday night: the whole transfer of ownership thing takes place sometime soon, and from peering in the windows, it looks like it’s going to be an excellent place for them to live.
I spend a lot of time thinking about being a householder, but I can’t seem to decide on where I’d like to live. This makes the whole house purchase concept a little elusive.
Are you happy where you’re living? How did you figure out it was the place to be?
Half asleep this morning and seeing this photo made me think that I was reading the houses owners blog! (having also seen the house a month or two ago!)
Don’t think I would like to live there… Blue roofs, that’s so, um, oh dang, that’s my house…
live on the gold coast, live on the gold coast……it is probably only selfish reason i say this but at least you would save money on airfares
Close to public transport, family and friends does it for me.
Oh, and by being close to family and friends i would like to imply being close to church (although now that i have explicity stated it, it’s no longer ‘implied’, is it?)
I can make tohe decision quie clear for you.Just move to Nambucca problem solved. What’s not to like and think of the time you would save travelling.
Coming from the country I didn’t think I could handle living in the city – that is if you classify Canberra as city life – but I don’t think I have looked back since the move. Canberra is one city which also has the feel of the country – how many cities so you drive home with fields around you and have to keep an eye out for kangaroos? How did I figure out it was the place to be – well when I stopped thinking about it as just a house and started thinking of it as a home – what can you say?