new watches and the shrinking attention span

A bit of insomnia struck around 5am Sydney time, and I thought I’d check the predictable hysteria around the new Apple product launch. As everyone expected, there’s a new set of phones, and a new wearable device: the Apple Watch, as they’re calling it. The headlines are varied, but predictable: “everything you need to know …

where do your ideas come from?

Surely no-one is surprised at the latest revelation that Facebook conducted a psychological experiment on 689,003 of its users, without breaking the terms of use that you agreed to when you signed up for facebook. If you’re curious, they found that reading a bunch of negative, or positive posts is somewhat contagious, and will affect …

Wearables and the future of productivity

I’m as much of a sucker for productivity articles as the next person, and this article was one of the better ones.  It’s safe to guess that if you’re reading this, you have a smartphone, if you’re not in fact reading this on a smartphone. Through poor planning, I’m writing this on a smartphone …

domains and content for church websites

A friend posted this question on facebook Thinking about Church websites, any one got an opinion as to what suffix to use. eg. should it be .com, .org, Also what features do you reckon a good church website should have. thanks If you’re a church, I think you should have a dot-org domain …

Managing email overload

A blog post from a few months back provides some great sense around managing email overload. Here it is, in three sentences. Step 1. Move all your action items out of the inbox, and onto a todo list. (The inbox was never designed to manage todos, which need dates, priority ranking, categories, and the ability to edit the text inside. No …

Data scientists replacing community managers?

I was watching an end-of-year social media trend video today, and one line stood out for me amidst the usual information. The job of “community manager” – someone who looks after a social media community and steers the conversation, keeps the tone on track, and encourages civility in general is apparently on the decline. In …