A rather geeky explanation of how a programmer created an application that takes a photograph of a sudoku puzzle, and imports it onto the iPhone: iPhone Sudoku Grab: How does it all work?
Category Archives: link
Why threadless is still my favourite t-shirt store
Foam monster, meet your lost hand.
history of the Australian internet.
Interactive graph / movie showing the History of the Australian Internet
benjamin franklin – a short, illustrated biography
Currently doing the rounds is this whimsical, rambling, illustrated portrait of the life of Benjamin Franklin.
two schedules: maker’s vs manager’s
Short Paul Graham essay on the difference between a maker’s schedule and a manager’s schedule. The difference? How you handle meetings.
Writing techniques for direct response ads
How to write a killer direct response ad – an unusually practical list (normally the people who write these would like you to do their expensive course).
Spanish cooking glossary
menuBlog has a Spanish Dining Guide – a list of terms that come up in Spanish cooking, and what they mean.
tomato futures
Great little short quote about the future of tomatoes.
Summary of speed-reading techniques
Highly distilled Speed-Reading Techniques – if you have never looked into speed reading and how it works, this page provides a good summary.
whiteboard paint
Clever idea – Whiteboard Paint.