
the church

Originally uploaded by cafedave.

Spent most of yesterday involved in the wedding of two friends. Unusually, they asked me to MC the reception (is MC a verb?). This involved a couple of unexpected tasks, some talking into a microphone, and a lot of talking to various wedding guests. All told, it seems I did quite a credible job: Kel was also a fantastic help, making sure that I knew everything that was going on (I can be a bit vague at times), and taking me safely home again. Looking forward to catching up with bride and groom when they return from their honeymoon.

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  1. Was being MC (not sure if it is verb) a good experience. From what I’ve heard a job well done. Did you enjoy it? There isn,t much that you don’t do well but remember behind every good man there is an even better woman. Well done to take on being MC not sure if I could.

  2. A credible job? That isn’t exactly how we would describe it. On our wedding day most things were a blur of faces, boots and red wine glasses..but you and Kellie shone.

    From the other side of the world, David & I are still talking about what a tops job you did and ways to show our appreciation on our return… subjecting you to a lot of boring european honeymoon photos is NOT one of them 🙂

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