Greek chapter ten – complex sentences

Chapter ten – halfway through the textbook! This week, we learn how to put two small sentences together to make bigger sentences using relative pronouns (who, which, to whom). As with everything else, there are 24 different ways of writing the relative pronoun, but this time, they mostly look the way you’d expect. Having put the effort into learning one set of 24 words, the rest are easier, if not easy.

Having spent 20 minutes on learning the English part of speech, we move onto the Greek: the main trap seems to be getting the agreement right – the number and gender agrees with the noun in the main clause, but the case (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative) changes, depending on what the noun is doing in the second clause.

From there, we looked at a few bits and pieces – so-called slanted questions (where the expected answer is either yes or no), direct and indirect statements, and then time expressions.

One of the toughest things in class is to stay level-headed. I know there are people in class who know more than me, and it’s important to use that as motivation to keep trying, not just to get jealous.

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1 Comment

  1. you forgot to mention that you can now ask me where stuff is (like cups) in greek. you still get the same response (go and have a look) but at least it’s new way of asking.

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