college holidays

With the Greek exam over, I find myself in a highly unusual situation – I have nothing to do! Actually, that’s not strictly accurate: there are at least half a dozen things on my immediate to-do list, each of which will take a number of hours to complete, but I have nothing to procrastinate with: those miniature projects on the side that make life interesting.

On the way home on my first night after exams finished, I looked through a newsagency for a magazine to read on the train home: despite looking through a range of different titles on all manner of topics, there was nothing I wanted to read more about.

It’s a strange place to be in. I’m reading around 100 RSS feeds, so there’s plenty of information that is coming in, and if anything, I feel like I’d like to know more. But what interests do I have left?

What used to keep you going while you were studying?

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  1. I’m still studying, but background noise keeps me going. Background noise, and salt-and-vinegar chips.

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