Travelling on bus strike day

Although I grew up next door to a bus depot, these days I don’t often need a bus to get me from one place to another.

So it’s not without a sense of irony that I find myself – yesterday’s freshly purchased travel 10 in hand – in need of a bus, and the drivers on strike for the first time in over 10 years.

On the positive side, of course, I have the chance for some extra exercise, and the weather has mostly held out.

Bus strikes are – at least in the fleeting impact they have on me – a first world problem. Better to be grateful for the blessings of liberty to travel at all, and the need to take a bus trip in the first place, than to dwell on the minor and temporary inconvenience.

Did the bus strike affect your day?

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  1. Yes indeedy, but it was odd. Ben needed the car so I thought about catching public transport in. Unfortunately to get to my place of work, you really do need a bus! Good thing I found about the strike in advance when I went to look up timetables yesterday. So he ended up playing chauffeur–dropping me off and picking me up.

    I wouldn’t have gone in to work at all and just worked from home, but it was the ‘To print’ day.

  2. These events help us reflect on our very comfortable lives. On Christmas eve we ‘suffered’ through a 4-hour evening blackout, here on the Central Coast of NSW. Reminding us of the *daily* inconvenience of restricted power supplies in many parts of the middle east – there’s so much we take for granted.

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