DVD: School’s Out

DVD: School’s Out

The movie sequel to the Canadian teen drama “Degrassi Junior High” and “Degrassi High”. I’m starting to wonder if I was the only guy I know who watched these shows: I remember seeing an ad suggesting that this movie was playing on the ABC, but I missed it at the time, and thought I’d never get to see it.

I was surprised, to say the least, to have the opportunity to watch it. Very cleverly structured, there are plot lines for a great many characters: it’s still a cautionary tale for teenagers, but there are plenty of bad examples to learn from. It’s very odd to watch characters you haven’t seen in over a decade, and realise that they were really effective in capturing what a particular time of life was like.

Watching it as a parent, it makes me feel anxious at the thought of little Puff being faced with all these choices. There are so many situations that the show (and the movie) covered – I have no idea how I’m going to have these awkward conversations. I guess I’ll find out in several years.

Other supporting links:
The school’s out wikipedia page has a really thorough plot summary so you can know what to expect. This somewhat dark list of character biographies may also help you to reminisce.

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