cyberbullying presentation

Yesterday was the big day. I gave my cyberbullying seminar at PY summer camp.

Earlier in the year, I went to a seminar about cyberbullying, and learned a lot – there were some handouts provided, and I chased up the person presenting to find out more at the time. A few months later, I was asked if I wanted to do a seminar on cyberbullying at Summer Camp, and so of course I said yes.

Lots of reading and collating information, and I was ready to put the slides together.

After working on the slides for at least a week, and some emails back and forth to try and make sure I knew what they were after, I ran the slides past jordan.

Having incorporated everyone else’s feedback in it was time to head to The Tops conference centre at Stanwell Tops.

It was time to do a technical check, to make sure the slides would work with their setup, and to try and get a sense of what the room was like. It was a suitably daunting space.

Setting up for summer camp

After some setup time, and the excellent work of their tech team, it was time to grab dinner, and then get ready for the session. Here are the slides that I worked from.

It was a great experience: I’m hoping I managed to connect with some of the audience, and help them understand bullying and online safety. Let me know if you heard the talk, or if you have any other questions about online bullying.

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