assumptions made about communication

Much has changed this year in terms of communication norms. I think I’m reaching a point where it’s not entirely awkward not to shake hands when I see someone, but there are still times where even that lack of contact is a window into all that has been lost. While zoom fatigue is increasingly documented, …

flickr was down for thirty minutes

Flickr was down for about 30 minutes. I think I might be the only person on social media who noticed. I spoke too soon. It’s down again, or was mostly down the whole time. flickr was a social media site for sharing photos before Instagram and before facebook; they never really embraced mobile photography, and …

lessons in balance from law and ethics

I’m studying a subject on law and ethics at the moment, and we’re trying to work out answers to complicated questions. What does it take to keep people doing the right thing? What consequences can be built in to a system so that people are motivated to do the right thing? We build giant, unaccountable …