[Bec] How NOT to use Powerpoint – 3:55 video: stand-up comedian delivery of a PowerPoint presentation to show common mistakes.
Category Archives: link
Dell Mini 9 Hackintosh
How To turn a Dell Mini 9 Into the Ultimate OS X Netbook. This link is mostly for Gavin, who was showing off his Dell notebook at last week’s Sydney Coffee Morning. Though I’d read this in the past, I hadn’t really remembered the expression “hackintosh”.
Stay home and work
An argument for working from home one day per week.
blog design inspiration page
Looking for a quick post to get some inspiration for your next blog redesign? 47 Blog Designs
10 tips to help foster innovation
10 tips to help foster innovation – specifically, to run a workshop that gives people a chance to think beyond existing ways of doing things.
how to make working from home a success
How to keep your employees once they announce they’d like to work from home.
idea for a wifi network name
Could Merlin Mann’s Airport Express name be the best name for a wireless network?
Font of Ill Will
[khoi vinh] WSJ article on Vincent Connare – creator of the font Comic Sans
John Dickson in “The Age”
John Dickson has a piece in “the age” on the historical basis for Good Friday.
Roger Ebert on why he won’t use twitter
Roger Ebert on twitter, being present, and the future of the human race.