Over on Medium is a list of 60 free tools for modern storytellers. Writing, websites, sources of payment, reporting, organisation, news updates, audio, video, images and resources; emails, social media, SEO. It’s a good list, but the trouble with such a list is not knowing where to start. It’s a long journey between wanting to …
Category Archives: writing
17 Apps for Writers
Can you imagine 10 years ago being able to even find 17 Apps for Writers? Sometimes I wonder if this is a good thing: it leads to that kind of paralysis that comes from having too many options. What is your take on long lists of solutions for problems that you might not even have? …
on writing prose fiction
[ falling down ] ideas on writing better prose from famous writers. When you pass a grocer sitting in front of his door, a concierge smoking his pipe, or a cab rank, show me that grocer, that concierge, their attitude, their physical appearance and by the skill of the picture you draw of them, their …
The Perfect Gift for a Man
Earlier this year, I had the chance to participate in a writing project called – The Perfect Gift for a Man. It’s a collection of the work of 30 writers about what it might mean these days to be a man, with a view to raise money for a group who are actually doing something …
The List of N Things
An essay on the poor writing that goes with lists of N things, and no, it’s not a list of N things that are wrong with such lists.
poe – a short story
Poe, the new iPod touch, sat down to play with the other toys. One of the teddybears asked him if he wanted to play football. The teddybears loved to play football: they could run around all day, and if they fell over, all the better! Some of the teddybears were missing patches of fur – …