Allpress Espresso, Rosebery

Allpress coffee. 58 Epsom Rd, Rosebery. In the middle of industrial roseberry is this crowded nook. Seating for about 20, and all but two of the seats are taken on a busy saturday morning.the crowd are fairly well-to-do, and have travelled to the store either for the coffee, or the range of enticing food.

Coffee is good: despite a bit of a wait – a queue of lids were ahead of mine to reach the barista – smooth, strong, very pleasant.

Update: completely refurbished: great interior design, a little more seating capacity. Lots of takeaway customers, and plenty of space for them to stand.

Allpress Espresso, Roseberry

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  1. I should like to buy your Allpress (organic) coffee. How can I get it please. Straight from you or from somewhere local.Thanks

  2. who and where do they think they are?
    If they were in New York you’d understand their Attitude, but Rosebeery?
    They don’t even have time to put sugar in your coffee. W#@$ers.

  3. hi,
    i just wanted to know do we have to make a reservation to eat there or can we just rock up?
    thanks ,ken

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