Danes coffee. 394 sussex st, sydney. Velour stools, tiles, neon: this place straddles the chinatown/sydney divide with part of its aesthetic coming from each. Staff are friendly, performing a quick upsize attempt, but cheerfully making me a regular decaf latte instead.
Coffee is surprisingly good: the milk had been overheated a little, but it’s better than many of the places around town.
It’s a bit too dark, and the tv is a bit too loud, for any serious writing to be accomplished here.
there is a better version of cafe bolle in neutral bay – the original and still the best, as it were
give it a go if you’re on the other side of the harbour! 9-17 Young Street, near the main Neutral Bay woolworths
Alex, thanks for the tip: I had a look today, and posted a review http://cafedave.net/cafedave/archives/2008/01/cafe-bolle-neutral-bay“ rel=”nofollow”>here.