Campos Coffee. 82 Regent St, Redfern. A really beautiful interior filled with furniture that clearly has a history, this is a place where you could certainly relax and enjoy the morning. A range of table sizes, even a large communal table with a big bunch of flowers in the centre. Prices are a little higher than I was expecting – a large takeaway decaf latte comes in at $4.10. Staff are really friendly and helpful.
Coffee was somewhat disappointing at first – there was a sense that the milk and coffee hadn’t combined quite correctly, and there was something of a thin texture to overcome. After a while, though, it settles down to being quite okay, though not the best Campos I’ve had. I would imagine that the caffeinated coffee is a better option.
Having noticed this Chai display, I’m curious to try their chai tea offering, too. Perhaps another time.
i see you havent tried the chai tea at badde manors glebe yet? unless my search didn’t work properly.
definitely add it to your list! its got the best chai tea there ever -& ask them for extra ginger if you like your chai extra gingery 🙂