D.O.M Coffee. Shop 1 Riverwood Train Station, Belmore Rd, Riverwood. A difficult space to work with, much less make into a welcoming, homey space: this is an achievement. You can see their commitment to the environment in their choice of bio cups, and there are a range of different roasted coffee blends on display.
There’s no decaf grinder, with the preground coffee stored in a resealable plastic container. It’s a really good decaf; sweet, complex, smooth. If you’re commuting, it’s $3.90 well spent.
It is a shame you don’t do the leaded variety. This is one of my fav places for a good coffee (being two minutes away has nothing to do with it
Ian….Thank you for the praise, you should not have.
By the way I am thinking of doing away with ( D-Caf ) that is one of the reason’s I have a resealable container…..may receive one request for D-Caf in every 1200 th coffee order.
Thank you for the coffee today, light, tasty and environmentally friendly. As I promised to let you know what I think about it; it’s very nice coffee and if I were living in Riverwood I would buy it every day. But as I am not from Riverwood, I will drive by to get it as its worth it and it is different
Ordered a double macchiato and was not disappointed. Sweet and smooth with a nice kick. Same I don't live in river wood or I'd be a daily customer. Spoke about home roasting and got some great tips for beans to try. Thanks guys