A lift to the train station meant that it was too late, by the time I realised, to go back home for the earbuds I’d left in my jacket pocket. And so I faced to prospect of a whole day without audio entertainment, until I was finally – hopping In the car for an evening …
Category Archives: short idea
Reflections on running
Lately I’ve been trying to go for a run in the mornings. It’s worked pretty well when I haven’t been sick. I get up at or before the sunrise, walk a little, then run for a few km’s in a loop, walk a little bit home. I take my phone with me. While I’m running, …
part of the problem
I was watching a movie on TV while working on some other projects, and this ad kept coming up. I was chatting earlier today about the idea of everyday sexism: this ad is doing a lot of the stereotype perpetuation – the mum is reducing her relationship with her daughter to being able to provide …
passionate about work
Something about this video clip – an extract from a movie I haven’t seen about an 85 year old sushi-maker – forces you to ask what your life’s passion is going to be.
Yesterday I spent some time in the garden, after a lot of weekends when we were too busy to make it happen. It was a good mix of cutting up branches, and getting the kids involved in helping tidy up, and mowing the weeds, trying to reveal the underlying grass. There’s something re-energising about switching …
The problem with being a grown-up
Walking home today I passed a house running its sprinkler in the front yard. It was a hot day, and for a fleeting moment I thought it would be fun to run through the sprinkler and cool down. So of course I didn’t.
funeral reflections
I found myself at a funeral this week for the mother of a friend. My attendance was more about supporting and encouraging the friend – I hadn’t actually met his mother, and so it was a different experience to most of the others I’ve attended. Instead of the photos summoning up memories of shared experiences, …
On the occasion of the release of a new thing.
Nails it. Buying this thing will make me happy.
three minutes on leadership
A short video on what to concentrate on, if you’re trying to be the best leader you can be. “Your fully exploited strengths are always of far greater value to your organization than your marginally improved weaknesses.”
public transport musing
I know there are reasons, on a crowded train, to sit on the aisle, next to an empty seat. Maybe you’re getting off at the next stop. Eventually, though, someone will want to sit in the empty seat next to you. When that happens, can you please refrain from making loud sighing noises, as if …