Book: What is Reformed Theology?
Since I’m studying at a "Reformed" theological college, I thought it might be useful to have some understanding of the framework that the college uses to understand the bible. This book is aimed a little higher than a dummies’ guide – Sproul is still a professor, and as such draws from a big vocabulary, but is still very readable for the non-college-student.
This is an excellent book for understanding the principles of Reformed theology, and the arguments for and against them. One highlight for me (from many) was an explanation of what happened at the Fall (the garden of Eden rejection of God where sin becomes a part of the life of people). Before the fall mankind had posse peccare (the ability to sin) and posse non peccare (the ability to not sin). After the fall mankind had non posse non peccare (the inability to not sin). Finally, in heaven, we will have non posse peccare (inability to sin). I’ve heard these terms before, but Sproul puts them in context, and helps explain them. There’s even an "Glossary of foreign terms" where all the Latin, German and Greek terms in the book are listed and defined: useful for understanding some of the theological concepts that arise.
If you’re looking to understand Reformed Theology, or any of the following terms -Calvinism, Arminianism, Monergistic Regeneration, Pelagianism, Free Will, simul iustus et peccator, Predestination, homo-ousios, homoi-ousios, sola fide, sola gratia, sola Scriptura, soli Christo – this book is a good place to start.
One thing that the book lacks, though, is a plain index: there’s a glossary of foreign terms, one of persons, one of bible verses, but not one of general terms.