weekend with people

Some weekends are quiet, some are filled with seeing people from various parts of life. We spent this weekend catching up with various people: Friday night was quiet – a chance to spend some time by ourselves.

On Saturday morning, we caught up with a couple of old friends we hadn’t seen since our wedding day (and their two kids) – met up with them again through Facebook.

Saturday night was my little sister’s confirmation as a catholic: (Sydney archbishop) Cardinal Pell was there, and it was a chance to see what a formal catholic service looks like. Much of the service was familiar, and there is no small amount of overlap with an Anglican service. Where it diverged, though, the differences in belief were obvious.
cardinal pell

After the service, we had dinner with the family. A few hours sleep, then up early on Sunday morning.

A trip to Grind with my brother, and then off to the Hurstville Sunday organic food markets where we picked up supplies for a birthday party for a friend.

happy birthday

With lunch and the birthday cake out of the way, it was off to church: music practice, listening to a sermon which encouraged us to look at the big picture when praying (as opposed to just seeing the next item on the to-do list, and praying for that), and then catching up with another old friend who happened to be visiting. Now, with the weekend nearly over, it’s time to start thinking about the essay that I should be writing…

Oh, and I managed to understand the first two verses of Ephesians in Greek without having to look anything up… not a bad effort (though nothing particularly tricky either).

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  1. that is one insanely busy weekend you guys just had … I just studied on Sunday for the Trials… and the photo you sent me isn’t even that blurry (although Mum wants to publish it and send it to everyone she knows :|)

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