Another semester has drawn to a close. And so, to celebrate, I’ve upgraded wordpress out of beta mode, and then, despite my best intentions, kept the template exactly as it was. I have, though, done some long-overdue pruning to my blogroll: let me know if you think you should be on there, or if you’ve definitely given up on blogging, but still remain on the list.
After so many weeks spent cramming Greek vocab into my head, it’s strange to be able to read whatever I want: I’m working my way through Ideas by Peter Watson, which is a fascinating book, recommended by a recent acquaintance, and provided as a birthday present very generously by some of my in-laws. The Greek hasn’t been completely abandoned, though, I’m preparing a sermon for Sunday week, so it’s back to Mark chapter one – it’s been about six months since I was studying Mark 1, but the way I read Greek has already changed somewhat.
Kel and I celebrated the end of exams by watching the RiffTrax version of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” with some friends: a few laugh-out-loud moments, and in general a good way to relive an old favourite movie.
We also managed to fit in a visit to some friends, a church mystery lunch, and to catch up with someone from my blogroll who, perhaps, I least expected to see. Now all that remains is to get back on top of all the housework that has been a little neglected during all my study (and perhaps to put all the notes from the semester away).