I’m aiming to do some kind of read-the-bible-in-a-year type reading plan this year, but it’s now the 5th of January, and I haven’t settled on one: perhaps it’s because I’m spoiled for choice! If you’re dragging your feet on this, perhaps these links could help.
You can print out PDFs of bible reading plans to keep with your (gasp) printed bible, or read online via web / RSS / email / iCal / mobile, or you can
listen to the ESV as a podcast.
If you’re looking for some kind of devotional reader to go with your bible reading, Don Carson’s book For the Love of God is available in blog form.
If instead you’re able to read the original languages, you can print out the bible in Hebrew and Greek in a form that’s ready to read.
While we’re in a resolutions mood, you might appreciate these 10 resolutions for mental health from Clyde Kilby (via John Piper).
Lastly, here are some challenging words from English Puritan Richard Baxter.