One of the least represented forms of writing online would seem to be poetry, and in particular, the kind of poetry that I heard as a young boy. Here is the story of Matilda, who told lies from the amazing “Cautionary Tales for Children”.
cafes, communication, and more
One of the least represented forms of writing online would seem to be poetry, and in particular, the kind of poetry that I heard as a young boy. Here is the story of Matilda, who told lies from the amazing “Cautionary Tales for Children”.
this is one of the first poems i learned to recite by heart – and i can still do it all the way through. alas, it *is* one of hilaire belloc’s most popular and i do rather wish i’d taken the trouble to learn “jim, who ran away from his nurse at the zoo and was eaten by a lion”.
at work today i served a young boy of 8 years old who, having mastered the range of “aussie nibbles” books and wanting something a bit more adventurous, decided to try “alice’s adventures in wonderland”. i can still recite “you are old, father william” and “how doth the little crocodile” with a certain amount of aplomb.