DVD: Anvil – the story of Anvil

Anvil: the story of Anvil.

This is a movie about a metal band I’d never heard of until I saw the trailer for this film. Who would make a movie like this? It turns out the director of the film is a decades-long fan of the band (and is actually a highly competent drummer).

What makes a band – the drummer and lead singer / guitarist started playing together when they were teenagers – stay together for 30 years into their 50’s, despite never seeing any commercial success? And how do they cope with the challenges and disappointments that take place along the way?

It certainly helps to be able to appreciate the kind of music the band plays, as it is the backdrop for much of the film, and there’s certainly some language and concepts that are very much for grown-ups. There are lessons here, and insights into what it means to be really passionate about something against all odds, for people of all walks of life.

This is a surprisingly poignant film, tapping into people who have found something that they’re passionate about, whether they see success or not.

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