The article Customer Experience: Smells Like Memories talks a little about how scent – and the way it’s labelled – can make a big difference on the particular experience you’re trying to present.
Category Archives: experience design
Cigarette Book Packaging
[daring fireball] Cigarette Book Packaging – tiny (classic) books placed in custom-designed cigarette packets.
How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web
A Wired article that talks about some of the challenges involved in getting search right.
The web designer’s guide to user experience
This article provides a good introduction to the ideas behind experience design.
are x-factor clips overly manufactured to go viral?
In a social media course I attended yesterday, we had a look at This X Factor / Daryl Markham audition clip, or a slightly abridged version of it. It seemed a well put together reality piece, but when I was rewatching it while working on another monitor, I noticed how much the swelling music, and …
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takeaway pho noodle soup
A week or more ago I had a craving for Pho soup, so I checked Helen’s blog for ideas and found an early review of this Pho place. When there’s a baby to factor in, spontaneous restaurant meals are a little harder to come by, and so I opted for takeaway. When I saw the …
diagramming social experiences
When you’re trying to work out how the next online community site will work, you might like to use these 5 Steps to Building Social Experiences as a part of your plan.
The future of copy-pasting on news sites?
37 signals shows off the new “Smart” pasting at The New Yorker site. When you copy something to the clipboard, the URL of the article, and a “read more” link are appended to the excerpt. In general I like the idea of having this option, but I would prefer to be able to permanently disable …
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Designing to delight the information seeker
Designing to delight the information seeker – there’s not much information available on this presentation, but I really liked the title as a goal to aim for in information design.
Mark Coleran, Designer of Fictional UIs for Movies
[ Daring Fireball ] Ever wondered who designs those fictional interfaces for movies? Check this portfolio: the work of Mark Coleran