short black panther, mortdale

Five Senses coffee. 34 Pitt St, Mortdale. For many years there has been a massive void on Sydney’s Blue railway line in terms of great coffee. There are plenty of places with espresso machines, and no shortage of places with good breakfast options around, but very few that hit the ball out of the park …

something for jess, chippendale

Five Senses coffee. 27 Abercrombie St, Chippendale. A coworker put me onto this place – I think I’d walked past and not noticed it at all (there’s not much of a street presence), but it’s worth seeking out. The cafe is filled with furniture sourced from the surrounding area – there’s lots of furniture to …

Le Monde Café, Surry Hills (revisited)

Five senses coffee (their own blend). 83 Foveaux St, Surry Hills. It’s been over two years since I last reviewed this place, and so when I received a couple of emails from the cafe about the changes that had taken place there, I felt I had to return to see what had happened. Inside, the …

Elizabeth’s Boutique Cafe, Glebe

Five senses coffee. 175 Glebe Point Rd. With a rustic interior: tiles and tabletops in maroon, walls in yellow and blue, this place still manages to maintain a sense of the present day. A small courtyard out the back provides some solace from Glebe Point Rd, and there’s a high chair and changing facilities if …