netflix: hummingbird

Netflix: Hummingbird (aka Redemption) The cliche of “ex-special-forces” gets another run in this beautifully shot, well-acted Statham performance. From the writer/director of Locke (the Tom Hardy film where he has a series of phone calls during a long evening’s drive), there are a number of interesting visual ideas throughout (though there are a few scenes of various …

netflix: the way way back

Netflix: The Way Way Back   I remembered something positive about the movie from Mark Kermode, and was looking for something Kel and I could both watch and enjoy. It’s a coming-of-age story for a withdrawn teenager in a broken up family, with some excellent performances (particularly from Toni Collette and Sam Rockwell).   If you’re looking for something …

back on the horse

Having reached an inflection point in my current workload, it’s time to try and recreate the habit of regular writing. I’m continuing to read, though it’s mostly a mix of online news sources related to tech and social media online news sources related to Christian thinking social media updates half-completed books on the Kindle  my friend …

netflix: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America 2 seemed as good a test as any for watching a movie on Netflix. I haven’t watched the first Captain America movie, but as with all good blockbuster sequels, they’ve worked hard to make this unnecessary. Lots of namedropping of other pieces of the Marvel universe, this is a Chris Evans / Scarlett Johansen …