swallow coffee traders, rockdale

Single Origin Roaster Coffee. 1 Tramway Arcade, Rockdale (near Rockdale train station). I’ve never thought of Rockdale as a place to find good coffee, but the Coffee Guide app that I bought showed it as a place that was open on Sundays, and not the furthest from my house, so when the opportunity arose, I …

The Hatters, Licensed Cafe, Katoomba

Blue Mountains Coffee Roaster Coffee. 197 Katoomba St, Katoomba. This place was referred by an old work colleague, who gave me his list of picks from around Sydney – this was an add-on, and it’s taken me a while to get around to it. I didn’t have much hope for a cafe that shares office …

My Caffeine Romance Espresso Bar, Kirrawee

Toby’s Estate coffee. 165 Oak Rd, Kirrawee. Spotted this one on the Toby’s Estate newsletter, and took Puff along for a morning breakfast during the Christmas break. A variety of seating options: tall chairs, regular chairs, even couches – it’s an easy place to be comfortable. It’s a fairly narrow group of menu options for main …

mio mia cafe, ultimo

Genevese Coffee. 645 Harris St, Ultimo. About a block towards Pyrmont from Mecca Ultimo this place has emerged. The most noteworthy feature internally is the wallpaper – it looks like there ‘s a massive library on one wall, but it’s just a picture. They have comfortable seating, lots of sourdough sandwiches in two size choices, …

Safira Verde, Wolloomooloo

Lavazza coffee. 63 Crown St., Woolloomooloo. Just around the corner from Toby’s Estate Woolloomooloo is this place – eclectic mix of furniture, toys for kids to play with, a series of high chairs, and some signs warning parents to be careful with the furniture. It’s a really pleasant space to spend time, to read one …

Window’s Coffee, Bankstown

Primo Coffee. 256 Chapel Road Sth, Bankstown. I’d driven past this place any number of times in search of Vietnamese cuisine, and its confused use of an apostrophe, and the face that it looks like a franchise store made me want to explore. It sufficiently piqued my curiosity that I was prepared to overlook the …

love grub cafe sushi bar

Gravity 6 degrees coffee. 38 Mitchell Rd, Alexandria. If you’ve ever driven Mitchell Rd, to and from Sydney Park Rd, you will have noticed the Japanese lanterns outside this place, and wondered what kind of place it was. Oddly situated next to what looks like a reserve, there’s a community garden along one wall, and …

whole bean roastery, marrickville

Whole Bean coffee. 38 Chapel St, Marrickville. Someone tweeted about this place, so I went to investigate. It’s been open about a month, and used as a roastery all year. The staff welcome you into their space, encourage you to sit and feel at home, and the furniture (bench style seats and big comfy armchairs) …